I've had early ad. male Calliope and early ad. male Rufous, but they have only been one day yard visits in the last month. Because of this I have not opened my yard to view hummers. Recently I have had 1, ad. m. Rufous in the yard for 8 days, and 1, other ad. m. and 1, ad. f. joined the resident male ad. Rufous as of 8/5. Now my yard is full of immature and ad. Rufous Hummingbirds, so there is a bit more to watch. Come on over to my yard if you want to hopefully see some Hummingbirds .Broad-tailed Hummingbird is here, along with hopefully some more Calliopes. In general my numbers are down compared to other summers. One f. black-chinned Hummingbird also showed up a couple of days ago.
My address is 4400 Bow Mar Dr., Littleton, CO., 80123,[Jefferson County]. Park on the west side on Bow Mar Dr[with your car half on the grass and half on the road], across from my mailbox and ranch house. Walk up the driveway to the garage door and next to the door is the patio . Please sign the book in the patio. Walk or exit to the right of the patio and go behind the 2, large Aspen trees. Two chairs are there. Two hummer feeders are hanging on the clothe's line, which is north of the chairs. The front yard has 2, chairs also. There is 1, hummer feeder hanging from the front patio area. Hummers at both locations can be seen feeding on flowers. Please sit in the chairs and watch from there. Hummers will most likely feed very close to your chairs. I ask folks NOT to walk around the yard, because you will see more from the chairs, and the Hummers will be bothered less.
As I said, quanity is down so far, but hopefully it will pick up. I have had more Rufous Hummingbirds this summer than in the past. It looks like a Rufous bachelor pad as of the last few days. Watch, now that I say hummers are in my yard, the Rufous might leave. Morning or evening are good times to visit, but you can see the birds, ANY time of the day. The last 3 years Rufous have been most common with Calliope less common. Every year is different.
***Please email me as to what day and time of day, you might stop by. My email is tjcalliope@hotmail.com Viewing is open now, 8/7 until 9/15.
Tina Jones
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