Sunday 8 October 2023

[cobirds] CSR banding, El Paso Co, Sunday

Hey COBirders,

A big day banding at Clear Spring Ranch this morning.

The past ten days almost all migrant activity has happened in the first 30-45 minutes, mostly before sunrise, then it got pretty quiet. I've had 40-50 birds each morning the last two, then 92 today, 61 before 7:00! Most mornings lately it has been primarily (almost entirely) sparrows of six or more species. Today I was swamped early by White-crowned Sparrows. Then, as expected things slowed down, but another wave seemed to arrive about 9:00, including several LATE warblers.

Banded today:
RC Kinglet - 2 (HY F's)
Chipping Sparrows 35, (banded the first 12), mostly HY birds
Lincoln's Sparrows - 4
Song Sparrows 8 - including 2 recaps from previous years
White-crowned Sparrows 35 - 2 Mountain ssp, 33 Gambel's ssp, again mostly HY birds
Spotted Towhee, 3 - one recapped from previous years
Orange-crowned Warbler 1 (Ad M)
Com Yellowthroat 1 (Ad M). I've only caught 2 later than this one in 12 falls.
Audubon's Yellow-rumped Warbler (Ad M), have only caught 3 later than this one
Wilson's Warbler (Ad F) - have only caught 5 later than this one, (#185 for the season)

In addition, predawn at arrival I was listening to two Great Horned Owls calling back and forth, but watched a Long-eared Owl sitting on a snag. That would have to be dangerous!

All-in-all, not bad for a Birdcast "low migration" morning!

Have a good week,
Steve Brown
Colo Spgs

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