Friday, 3 July 2020

[cobirds] Colorado Monument Adventurs and Car misadventurs, Mesa County

I went camping last week, (June 22-26) for my annual birthday camping trip (the first and so far only trip that was not canceled this year). I spent three nights and four days at Colorado Monument in hopes of adding five West Slop birds to my life list, Gambles Quail, Gray Vireo, Scott's Oriole, Lucy's Warbler, along with the the Purple Martins at nearby Vega State Park I haven been trying to get a glimpse of.
 My first day I did find the a Purple Martin at Vega, right at the point I was giving up and realizing I needed to continue heading over to Colorado Monument. I was at the boat ramp near the aspens and right then a Purple Martin went zipping by my car over the lake. I did not get more then a fleeting glimpse but at least I saw it.
 I end my day in Colorado Monument, about 95 degrees and 80 at night, especially fun in a tent. Around the beautiful Saddlehorn Campground I found Juniper Titmice that gave good looks and posed for photos, the first time I got such a good look at this bird.
 The following day, June 23, I spent the morning exploring the monument and spending a good part of the morning at Devils Kitchen, looking for but not find the Gray Vireo but I did find the Black Throated Sparrow at Devils Kitchen, which was new for my Colorado list. I had seen one once before in California's Mojave Desert Preserve. For me the highlight was the different lizard species at Devils Kitchen, including the Long Nosed Leopard Lizard that panicked and ran head first into my boot, then found it's burrow. That afternoon I made the long drive out to Brewster's Ridge right on the Utah line in search of Scott's Oriole. I got a fleeting glimpses of a male as he flew from on juniper to another and gave a brief song. My car started to overheat but I turned the heater on full blast, fun in 100 degree weather, and it got better. I got it back to the campground and let it sit for the rest of the evening to cool off. Walking down to Window Rock overlook near the parking lot I got another fleeting glimpse of a life bird, Gambles Quail as they ran for cover. Fleeting glimpse was starting to become a them for life birds...
 The next morning I got early and prepared for a long drive down to Gateway Canyon for Lucy's Warbler, confident I could find them with the info from this community. I had no idea what the car gods had in store for me. In ten minutes, still at the monument, my car overhead and broke down. AAA came out but would not give me a ride because of COVID19 so I had to get the ranger to give me a ride back to the campground and then get a LYFT to get the garage, where I spent the rest of the day. In the end my car had to stay and I had to finish with a rental car. (The car is still in Grand Junction getting a water pump).
 With most of the day shot I still had the evening. During that time I finally got a decent look at Gray Vireo. The next morning I broke camp and prepared to head to Grand Mesa and a welcome cooler condition. On the way I tried again for Lucy's Warbler at Gateway.
 It was however late since I had to break camp. I got there at around 9 am, wondering if it was already to late in the day. With in minutes however I heard it sinning and calling. I stood near the teepee structure and got several good looks. However I did not approach to close so as not to disturb the birds to get a photo. Happy with that success I drove my rental off to Grand Mesa for much cooler temps and some mountain birds. And whole lot of mosquitoes! (So glad for off) I spent one whole day on the mesa hiking and observing the birds, Olive Sided Pewees, Casssin's Finches and other expected mountain species, along with Clark's Nutcrackers, Steller's Jay and Canada Jays hanging out with me in camp.
 In all despite the car trouble, and heat, it was a very fun trip and I got to see new West Slop birds and finally saw Colorado Monument. Also thanks to everyone who gave me advise on where to find Lucy's Warbler. I got some great looks and I did not need a four wheel to get there.
Good birding,
Brian Johnson,
Englewood CO

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