Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Re: [cobirds] Amazing bird song at Waneka Lake, Boulder County; do you know what it is?

There's something about the strength, clarity, timbre, and regularity in terms of timing, of the song that makes me think of Western Meadowlark.  I was over at Heil Ranch a couple of weeks ago and was surprised by a W Meadowlark's unusually simple song using the same several notes (4 or 5) covering a fairly limited pitch range, a very consistent rhythmic pattern, a fair amount more variation than this recording, but not the glassy arpeggios that seem to cover a big range.  If not a W Meadowlark maybe an exotic?

Thomas Heinrich
Boulder, CO

On Jun 16, 2020, at 2:40 PM, Nicholas Komar <quetzal65@comcast.net> wrote:

I believe it is a Red-winged Blackbird. 

Nick Komar 

On Jun 16, 2020, at 2:33 PM, Sebastian Patti <sebastianpatti@hotmail.com> wrote:

Oh course we can't judge size, and the quiz master didn't tell us how FAR he was from the critter, but it sounds loud and it strikes me as being from a medium to a medium-large bird.  The bird is probably singing from a relatively exposed perch, immobile, and doesn't appear to be bothered by a bunch of humanoids carrying on nearby.  At secs. 59 and ~ 114 we can hear Red-winged Blackbirds, and between secs. 113-117 I THINK there's a Common Grackle; House Finches and Black-capped Chickadee(s) are intermixed.  The bird's song to my ears has a flute-like quality that makes me think Icterid, and I'll change my earlier vote (if I might Quiz Meister) to Bullock's Oriole. 

Sebastian T. Patti
770 S. Grand Avenue
Unit 3088
Los Angeles, CA 90017 
CELL: 773/304-7488

From: Joe Roller <jroller9@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 2:55 PM
To: Sebastian Patti <sebastianpatti@hotmail.com>
Cc: Colorado Birds <cobirds@googlegroups.com>; tedfloyd73@gmail.com <tedfloyd73@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [cobirds] Amazing bird song at Waneka Lake, Boulder County; do you know what it is?
My guess is Red-winged Blackbird.
I have an image of that sonogram next to a photo of the bird.
Joe Roller, Denver

On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 1:51 PM Sebastian Patti <sebastianpatti@hotmail.com> wrote:
Really interesting . . . as I wrote to Ted earlier a familiar bird singing a totally UNFAMILIAR song . . . I'm leaning towards a member of the blackbird family and I had suggested meadowlark to Ted earlier, but now I'm wondering if it might be an oriole????

Sebastian T. Patti
770 S. Grand Avenue
Unit 3088
Los Angeles, CA 90017 
CELL: 773/304-7488

From: cobirds@googlegroups.com <cobirds@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Ted Floyd <tedfloyd73@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 10:13 PM
To: Colorado Birds <cobirds@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [cobirds] Amazing bird song at Waneka Lake, Boulder County; do you know what it is?
Hey, folks.

Less than an hour ago, I smartphone-recorded a beautiful bird song at Waneka Lake, Boulder County. Here's a link to the audio:


Can anybody guess what it is? (I saw the singing bird, so I know what it is.)

Ted Floyd
Lafayette, Boulder County

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