Monday, 4 June 2018

[cobirds] Black Rail and King Rail heard only at Lower Latham (Weld)

At 9:00 pm - 9:45 pm,  one Black Rail sang persistently south of the road, with two more sang on the north side and further west, slightly higher pitched. I believe my recording picked up all three. Also several Soras and Virginia Rails on both sides of the road. And most intriguingly, we believe we heard one and possibly two King Rail calls from the north side of the road, and further east.  These would not respond further to playback and I did not get a recording. Observers: Nick Komar, Dave Wade, Cole Wild. Hopefully others can document King Rail along CR48. 

Nick Komar
Fort Collins CO

On Jun 4, 2018, at 10:25 PM, W. Robert Shade III <> wrote:

The bird was heard by Steve Kingswood, a Mr. Haycraft, and myself singing the ki ki ki drrrr call persistently on the south side. It is 150 yards east of the oil/gas facility on the south side, and about 50 yards east of a wire fence that comes in from the south. A single playback seemed to attract it as it moved closer and closer but never in sight. Time: 7:45 to 8:15. Sora also heard as well as the usual assortment of marsh birds. A state bird for Steve and second time for me. 

Bob Shade

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