Tuesday, 28 June 2016

[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert, 28 June 2016 revised

Compiler:  Joyce Takamine
e-mail:    RBA AT cobirds.org
Date:  June 28, 2016 
This is the Rare Bird Alert for Tuesday, June 28, 2016, sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species)

Barrow's Goldeneye (Larimer)
Gunnison Sage-Grouse (Gunnison)
Sharp-tailed Grouse (Logan, Washington, Weld)
Green Heron  (Boulder, Delta)
BROWN BOOBY (*Boulder)
Snowy Plover (Bent)
Upland Sandpiper (Logan)
White-rumped Sandpiper (Logan)
WESTERN GULL (Washington)
Thayer's Gull (Washington)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Washington)
Least Tern (Bent)
Caspian Tern (Bent, Weld)
White-winged Dove (Weld)
Red-headed Woodpecker (Logan, Washington)
American Three-toed Woodpecker (Boulder, Mesa)
Least Flycatcher (Eagle, Logan, Weld)
Gray Flycatcher (Gunnison, Montezuma)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Logan)
Cassin's Kingbird (Weld)
Bell's Vireo (Logan)
Purple Martin (Mesa)
Pacific/Winter Wren (Boulder)
Bewick's Wren (Montezuma)
Chestnut-collared Longspur (Weld)
Black-and-white Warbler (Montrose)
Lucy's Warbler (Montezuma)
Northern Parula (Gunnison, Larimer)
Grace's Warbler (Montezuma)
Field Sparrow (Logan)
Black-throated Sparrow (Montezuma)
Summer Tanager (Montezuma)
Bobolink (Jefferson)
Baltimore Oriole (Kiowa, Logan, Washington)

*****For locations you are not familiar with (e.g. "Lower Latham"), please refer to CFO's Colorado County Birding site for directions:  www.coloradocountybirding.org

---On June 27 at John Martin Reservoir, Steve Mlodinow reported 3 Snowy Plovers, 2 Least Terns, Caspian Tern and juv EASTERN MEADOWLARK.

---On June 22 an ad BROWN BOOBY was reported by Peter Bandurian in Left Hand Canyon near the hamlet of Rowena
which is west of Glendale.  The bird was unable to fly long distances but did not appear to be injured.  This  would be a new
state record if approved.  
---On June 26 a Green Heron was reported by Dan Zmolek at Walden/Sawhill Ponds in Boulder.
---On June 24 a male American Three-toed Woodpecker was reported by Maggie Boswell at Brainard Lake.
---On June 24 a singing stub-tailed wren (Winter/Pacific) was reported by Steve Mlodinow in Wild Basin of Rocky Mt NP just N of bridge that leads away from Calypso Cascade towards Ouzel Falls.

---On June 23, 2 Green Herons were reported by Coen Dexter at Fruitgrowers Reservoir, S of causeway where willow extend into the reservoir.

---On June 24 a singing Least Flycatcher was reported by JoAnn Riggle at Gypsum Ponds.

---On June 27, Glenn Walbek and Steve Larson reported 7 Gunnison Sage-Grouse, Gray Flycatcher on CR 32.
---On June 27 a Northern Parula was reported by Glenn Walbek and Steve Larson in town of Gunnison.

---On June 16 a m Bobolink was reported by Bruce Neuman and Cheri Phillips at the Apex Center, Ralston Creek Trail.  On June 18, 3 Bobolinks were reported by Lorraine Lanning behind Apex Center.  On June 26, Lexxa Moffit reported 2 Bobolink behind Apex Center.

---On June 27 a Baltimore Oriole was reported by Steve Mlodinow at Neenoshe Reservoir.

---On June 25, 5 first summer f Barrow's Goldeneyes were reported by Nick Komar and David Wade on Lake #1 at Hohnholz Lake SWA.
---On June 21 a Northern Parula was reported by David Wade at Gateway NA near en
try pay station along the river

---On June 26 at Red Lion SWA, Gwen Moore and Matt Clark reported Upland Sandpiper, 7 White-rumped Sandpipers and 3 Bell's Vireos.
---On June 26 at Tamarack Ranch SWA, Cheri Phillips reported 7 Red-headed Woodpeckers, Least Flycatcher, and 2 Baltimore Orioles.
---On June 25 at Tamarack Ranch SWA, Chris Goulart reported 4 Red-headed Woodpeckers, Least Flycatcher, Great Crested Flycatcher, 2 Baltimore Orioles.  On June 25 at area 385 of Tamarack Ranch SWA, Chris Goulart reported Bell's Vireo, 5 Field Sparrows and 4 Baltimore Orioles.

---On June 21 American Three-toed Woodpeckers were reported by Nick Korte on S Mamm Peak which is S of Rifle.
---On June 21 Purple Martins were reported by Nick Korte on Brush Creek Road.

---On June 26 at Yellowjacket Canyon/G Road Area, Glenn Walbek reported 4 Lucy's Warblers, Gray Flycacher, Bewick's Wren, 11 Black-throated Sparrows and ad m Summer Tanager.
---On June 22 at Yellowjacket Canyon/G Road Area Caleb Fromme reported juv Lucy's Warbler, 2 Gray Flycatchers, and 3 Bewick's Wrens.
---On June 21 a Grace's Warbler was reported by Caleb Fromme on Echo Basin Road-- Upper Loop.

---On June 22 a singing m Black-and-white Warbler was reported by Bob Andrews in Black Canyon of Gunnison NP on the Warner Point trail at signpost #11

---On June 17, Steve Mlodinow reported WESTERN GULL (2nd-cyc), worn Thayer's Gull (*1st or 2nd cyc) and 1st-cyc Lesser Black-backed Gull and 2 Red-headed Woodpeckers at Prewitt.  On June 17, Glenn Walbek reported WESTERN GULL and Baltimore Oriole at Prewitt.  On June 18 WESTERN GULL and 2 Red-headed Woodpeckers were reported by Loch Kilpatrick at Prewitt.  On June 19 a WESTERN GULL and Red-headed Woodpecker were reported by Gwen Moore and Matt Clark at Prewitt.  On June 20, Tim Ryan reported WESTERN GULL, Lesser Black-backed Gull, and 2 Red-headed Woodpeckers at Prewitt.  On June 25, Christ Gilbert reported WESTERN GULL at Prewitt.  On June 26, Tom Behnfield and Art Hudak reported 8 Sharp-tailed Grouse (2 ad, 6 young), WESTERN GULL, and Lesser Black-backed Gull at Prewitt.  On June 26, Gwen Moore, Matt Clark, Susan Bonfiglio, Dean, and Nena Shoup reported WESTERN GULL, Lesser Black-backed Gull and Red-headed Woodpecker at Prewitt.

---On June 26, a colony of Chestnut-collared Longspurs was reported by Dave Leatherman on CR 114, 0.4 miles East of CR 45 to CR 47.  
---On June 25, 2 White-winged Doves were reported by Chris Gilbert at Pawnee Buttes.
---On June 25, 4 Caspian Terns were reported by Renee Casias at Woods Lake.  On June 26, Art Hudak and Tom Behnfield reported 2 Caspian Terns at Woods Lake
---On June 25 at CR 134 east of CR 111, Chris Gilbert reported 6 Sharp-tailed Grouse, Cassin's Kingbird and 4 Chestnut-collared Longspurs.

Denver Field Ornithologists Field Trips
The DFO Field Trip for Friday, July 1 will be to Staunton State Park (Jefferson County) leb by Jill Boice (jill AT booksandcats.net303-863-7580)  Trip will last from 6:30 am - 1:30 pm. 
Directions:  Take US 285 south to Shaffers Crossing, about 6 miles west of Coifer.  Turn north on Elk Creek Road and follow the signs 1.5 miles to the park entrance.  State Parks pass or day pass required.  
   Guest leader is Chris Gilbert.  Met at the group picnic area, which provides parking just past the entrance station.  Staunton offers a diversity of conifer forenstes and riparian habitats.  Will hike about 5.5 miles part of which will require some climbing.  Bring water, snacks, lunch, hat, and bugspray.  Register online or contact leader.

The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, July 2 will be Chavez Trail and Beaver Brook Braille Trail led by Paul Slingsby (paslingsby AT comcast.net303-422-3728).  Directions:  Meet at the lower end of the Stegosaurus Park-n-Ride at 7:00 am.  Will carpool from there.  From I-70, exist 259, turn left onto CO 26; drive under I-70 bridge and look for the Park-n-Ride on your left.  Will Carpool 6 miles to the trailhead.  Half-day trip.  this will be a slow walk of about 2 miles on smooth, moderately steep trails with some unmaintained path is aspen and ponderosa forests.  Hope for fledglings.  Lunch optional.  Register online or contact leader

The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, July 2 will be to Mt Falcon Park (Jefferson County)  led by Karen Drozda (drozforte AT AOL.com; 303-388-0891)   Directions:  Meet at upper parking lot of west side of Mountain Flacon Park at 7:00 am.  From C-470 and US 285 South, turn right at the Indian Hills exit to Parmalee Gulch Road.  Follow Parmalee Gulch Road for approximately 2.5 miles to Pictuis Road, turn right at Pictuis, then follow the signs for Mt Flacon to the upper Parking area.  Much of trip involves moderate coming in the sun.  Bring lunch, water, snacks, binoculars, camera, hat, sunscreen, and bug spray.  Register online or contact leader.

The DFO Field Trip for Sunday, July 3 will be to Genesee Park (Denver Mountain Parks) led by Kathanne Lynch (kathannelynch AT gmail.com303-968-4750).  Directions:  Drive west, take exit 265 off of I-70 and cross to the south side of I-70.  Turn right on Genesee Mountain Rd.  Drive 1.6 miles to the large, 100-car, gravel group-picnic parking lot.  Meet at 8:00 am. Note:  Go right at the Road Closed sign at Mile 1.5
   Please note Genesee Park is in transition, and most roads are closed.  As a result, we will wlak on footpaths rather than on gravel roads.  Wear sturdy hiking shoes.  There is an option to walk down the gravel road from the flagpole, but all other walking is unfortunately non-accessible and on trails.  Elevation change is a gentle 200 feet, and there are 30 wooden steps.  Please bring water, sunscreen, and a hat.  Lunch is optional in the park, as the trip will end at about 11.  Will bird Genesee Park on the south side of I-70 up to the flagpole.  This trip is for beginner birders, and for experienced birders who want to revisit summer birds.  Register online or contact leader.

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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