Friday, 25 September 2015

[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert for September 25, 2015

Compiler:  Ira Sanders
Date: September 25, 2015
This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Friday, September 25, 2015, sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.
Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species).
Common Loon (Boulder)

Green Heron (Park*)

Red Phalarope (Douglas, Jefferson, Park)

Parasitic Jaeger (Pueblo)

Sabine's Gull (Douglas, El Paso, Jefferson, Park, Pueblo)

Laughing Gull (Pueblo)

Red-bellied Woodpecker (El Paso*)
Acorn Woodpecker (Jefferson)

Philadelphia Vireo (Denver*)

Eastern Towhee (Weld)

Painted Bunting (Ouray)


--An early Common Loon was reported from Baseline Reservoir on Sept 19 and 20.



--Del Rosso and Rurik report a Philadelphia Vireo on the western edge of the Denver Botanic Gardens on Sept 23.  It was near the Japanese Gardens.



--An adult Sabine's Gull is reported by Tom Behnfield at Chatfield State Park east of the marina spit on Sept 17.  The immature Sabine's Gull reported by Kibbe on Sept 18 was seen again on Sept 19 from the Marina Spit.

--A Red Phalarope is reported by Doug Kibbe at Chatfield State Park north of the marina spit on Sept 18.  It was seen again on Sept 19 from the spit.  There were multiple reports of this bird on the DFO website from Sept 20.  NOTE: It would be extremely helpful to the compilers of the RBA and other birders if the birders observing rare or unusual birds post them to Cobirds.



--Goff reports a Sabine's Gull at Big Johnson Reservoir on Sept 18.

--Peterson reports a Red-bellied Woodpecker at Ramah SWA on Sept 23.


--An ACORN WOODPECKER was reported by Peggy Corpenny coming to her feeders in Indian Hills on September 2. On September 3, Frank and Linda Farrel, Mark Chavez, Tom Behnfield, Gwen Moore and Dean Shoup reported ACORN WOODPECKER in Indian Hills.  If you would like to try for the bird, please contact Peggy at 720-983-6490 or heartbowpress. AT

--The immature Sabine's Gull and Red Phalarope were seen again at Chatfield State Park on the Jeffco side of the park seen from the swim beach on Sept 21 by Somershoe.  The Sabine's Gull continues on Sept 23.

-- There were multiple reports of Red Phalarope on the DFO website from Sept 20 at Chatfield State Park.  NOTE: It would be extremely helpful to the compilers of the RBA and other birders if the birders observing rare or unusual birds post them to Cobirds.



--Bill Day posted photos of a female Painted Bunting at the Ridgeway banding station on the West Slope Birding Network (WSBN) Yahoo page on Sept 18.



--Suddjian reports 2 juv Sabine's Gulls at 11 Mile Reservoir on Sept 18 and on Sept 22 he reports an adult Sabine's Gull in alternate plumage here.

--Suddjian also saw a Red Phalarope on Spinney Mountain Reservoir on Sept 22.

--Blakeslee reports a Green Heron at Bailey on a small pond.  Directions: At the bottom of Crow Hill (Hwy. 285) turn left, or east on County Road 68 or the Wellington Lake Road.  There is Bailey Propane, a restaurant, and a couple of businesses and then the sewage plant.  Just past the sewage plant along CR 68 is a shallow little pond with willows and cattails on the far side.  The heron was fishing in this pond.



--A Sabine's Gull is reported by Gary Koehn at Chico Basin Ranch (fee area) on Sept 15 at the headquarters lake.

--Percival reports a juvenile Parasitic Jaeger and a non-adult Laughing Gull at the east side of Pueblo Reservoir on Sept 18.  Neither were seen on Sept 19.


--Mlodinow reports seeing an Eastern Towhee at Crow Valley CG on September 21.  




--Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWR Saturday, September 26 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM Candice Johnson ( Phone: 303-329-8131) Trail Difficulty: Easy Maximum Participants: 14 Directions: Meet at the Arsenal Visitors Center, 6550 Gateway Rd, Commerce City, CO. General directions: On I-70 east, take exit 278, turn left onto Quebec St, turn right onto E 60th Ave, turn left onto Trenton St, continue onto Gateway Rd to Visitor Center. In this prairie and lake environment we hope to see late shorebird migrants and many waterfowl and raptors. Be prepared to carpool because parking is limited at the lakes. Bison and deer are likely to be seen. We will take short walks on level trails only. Good for beginning birders. Bathrooms at Visitor's Center open at 9 AM. There is one picnic table for anyone wishing to have lunch. Coleader is Tim Johnson. Register online or contact leader to register.


--South Valley Park - Jefferson Co. OS Sunday, September 27 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM Jill Boice ( Phone: 303-863-7580) Trail Difficulty: Easy Maximum Participants: 12 Directions: 90 S. Valley Road, Littleton, CO. From the Denver Metro area, travel south on C-470 and exit westbound on Ken Caryl Avenue. Go about 0.3 mile west, take a left turn onto South Valley Road to the park's north parking area. South Valley is a small park just southwest of the Metro area. It is nestled between red stone hogback formations and will be very attractive in fall colors. We will start at the north parking area, which has convenient restrooms. We will look for birds on the small reservoir there. Then we will make a modest 2-mile loop through mixed habitats, returning on a hiker-only trail. We hope to find some foothills species such as Western Scrub-Jays, Mountain Bluebirds, nuthatches, and possible Bushtits. This will be a good trip for all levels of birders. Register online or contact leader to register.



​Good Birding


Ira Sanders

Golden, CO



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