Wednesday 2 April 2014

[cobirds] Littleton, Arapahoe

A stop at Ketring Lake in Littleton early this evening was fun. A BONAPARTE'S GULL in partial alternate plumage was flying around and around, foraging, for my 1st this season. Two flocks of TURKEY VULTURES totaling 22 individuals flew over going west, likely heading toward a roost.(Earlier in the day I had seen a string of vultures, clearly migrants, trickling north over the Prince Street area). A BARN SWALLOW appeared twittering over the lake. A talkative male SPOTTED TOWHEE was in a hedgerow in a yard adjacent to the park, out of place in the suburban setting and presumably a migrant that had stopped in. A minimum of 9 COMMON GRACKLES were flying here and there, my 1st at Littleton this season along with some near St. Mary Church earlier today. A male GREAT-TAILED GRACKLE flew over and perched atop a giant cottonwood, dwarfing a nearby Common Grackle, and issuing a series of other worldly calls. An adult BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON was my first since December. The assortment of ducks on the lake included 8 WOOD DUCKS, and 7 RUDDY DUCKS which did not winter there (one male showing nice color), and a DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT. A pair of BUSHTITS was building a nest on the walk way that leads to Lakeview Street.

David Suddjian

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