Friday 4 April 2014

[cobirds] Dusky Grouse - Black Canyon update and help request

Hi all


I just took a call from visiting birders Mike and Lee from California, currently at the Black Canyon, Gunnison. They were looking for Dusky Grouse last evening and this morning but struck out. 


Anyone considering visiting in the next few days should be aware that the south rim road is still closed (snow) and will be for “some time yet”. The staff in the visitor centre had not heard of anyone seeing any Dusky Grouse. The birders reported today that in their search they found plenty of small animal tracks, but no grouse tracks.


If anyone has any suggestions for Mike and Lee for anywhere else to search that would be very much appreciated – please reply to me and I can pass on the information


Many thanks and best regards


Dick Filby

Carbondale, CO




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