Friday 4 April 2014

[cobirds] Bald Eagle nest Weld County



A pair of Bald Eagles have established a nest on the northwest shore of Highland Lake. In the 30+ years I’ve lived here, this is a first. I figured they had to have a nest near here since usually the eagles are long gone by now, or at least more sporadic in their appearances, but these two have been seen every day for weeks. We usually have a multitude of Red Tailed Hawks nesting in the same area, but not this year. The eagles are driving them away. I first saw the nest a couple of weeks ago, but thought it was an oversized Red Tailed Hawk nest, just not as “neat” and tight as they usually are. Today, I saw an eagle chase a hawk off from the lake property and then fly to a branch close to the nest. The other eagle left the nest shortly after and this one took its place. One is almost always on guard in the trees near the inlet ditch, about 50 feet away from the actual nest. Both eagles were watchful of me and my dog, but didn’t seem all that threatened or concerned.


The nest is located on privately owned, conservation easement protected land and not approachable through public land (I have permission to walk along the property edge there). The lake itself is private, but at least for now open to the public.


The property owner of the farm that the nest is located on, also works for the Highland Lake Reservoir company. They have been clearing trees off the dike and along the ditches and pilling the wood and branches up near the nest with the idea of burning everything. I don’t think he realizes what the nest is, or if he does, if he even cares.


Need advice on how to proceed so he doesn’t burn near the nest while it is still active. Knowing him, he may even be planning on cutting the row of trees the nest is in down.



Pauli Smith

Highlandlake/Mead, Weld County

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