Tuesday, 18 June 2013

[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert, June 18, 2013

Compiler: Joyce Takamine
Date:       June 18, 2013
email:      rba AT cobirds.org
phone:     303-659-8750

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Tuesday, June 18, 2013  sponsored by the Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory. If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording by pressing the star key (*) on your phone at any time. Please leave your name, phone number, detailed directions including county, and dates for each sighting. It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include (* indicates new information on this species in this report):

Pacific Loon (El Paso)
LEAST BITTERN (Boulder, Fremont)
Green Heron (Fremont, Logan)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (El Paso)
Least Tern (Weld)
Eastern Phoebe (Boulder, Las Animas)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Logan)
Bell's Vireo (Logan, Phillips)
Ovenbird (Douglas)
Northern Parula (Fremont)
Rufous-crowned Sparrow (Boulder)
Fox Sparrow (Delta)
Black-throated Sparrow (Fremont)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Boulder, Washington)
Indigo Bunting (Boulder, Douglas)
--On June 15, Mlodinow reported a singing Rufous-crowned Sparrow on the hwy going into Lyons from the East and west of McConnell Drive (U Pump it station).  It was singing from the bluffs on the N side of the hwy.  It is difficult to hear above the
heavy traffic and beware of the poison ivy on the N side.  
--On June 13, Kaempfer reported that Nunes found a LEAST BITTERN at Sawhill Ponds in Boulder.
--On June 10, Nunes reported a singing EASTERN MEADOWLARK on Beech Open Space east of Hwy 36 and S of Neva Road.  On June 15, Mlodinow  reported the EASTERN MEADOWLARK on Beech Open Space.
--On June 9, Burke reported a singing Indigo Bunting on Eldorado Open Space.
--On June 8, Floyd reported an Eastern Phoebe at the 63rd St bridge over the St Vrain River.  
--On June 6, Werthele reported a singing m Rose-breasted Grosbeak by the Gregory Canyon parking area.  On June 9, Floyd reported a noisy m Rose-breasted Grosbeak by the Gregory Canyon trailhead.

--On June 15, Morris reported that the Durango Bird Club saw several Fox Sparrows on Upper Lime Creek Road.  

--At Roxborough SP on June 8, Matheus reported a m Indigo Bunting near the visitor's center and an Ovenbird.

--On June 2, Hinds reported a Pacific Loon at  Big Johnson near the dirt parking area.  On June 14, Peterson reported that the Pacific Loon continues at Big Johnson.  
--On June 14, Peterson reported a 2nd-cyc Lesser Black-backed Gull at Big Johnson.
--On June 14, Peterson reported a f LESSER NIGHTHAWK and possibly a male at Big Johnson in the SW corner below the lower parking lot.

--On June 14, Moss reported a Green Heron and TRICOLORED HERON at Holcim Wetlands.  The TRICOLORED HERON was on the far west pond.  On June 15, Moss reported that the TRICOLORED HERON continued and a LEAST BITTERN was found.
Please do not use playback for the bittern since it is likely breeding there.  On June 15, Neldner reported that the Green Heron continued at Holcim Wetlands.  On June 16, Moss reported that the TRICOLORED HERON continues and two LEAST BITTERNS were seen.
--On June 9 and 11, Rich Miller reported a singing Northern Parula at the W end of the Riverwalk parking area at the end of Sell Ave.
--Black-throated Sparrows were reported by Walbek near Florence in cholla E of the Federal prison on June 6.

--On June 6, Walbek reported a HEPATIC TANAGER at I-25 and exit 42.  On June 8, Dowell reported the HEPATIC TANAGER
at the same spot and Mark Miller found a singing male PHILADELPHIA VIREO just down the road from the tanager spot.
The vireo is very pale.

--An Eastern Phoebe was reported by Dowell at Apishapa SWA on June 8.

--A Green Heron was reported by Mlodinow near a pond near "managers Residence" at Tamarack on June 16.
--4 Great Crested Flycatchers were reported by Mlodinow at Bravo SWA E of Sterling on June 16.
--A Bell's Vireo was reported by Mlodinow at Bravo SWA on June 16.

--A POMARINE JAEGER was reported by DeFonso at Antero Reservoir on June 11.  It was at the main SE fishing/camping area.  On June 16, Taylor reported that the POMARINE JAEGER was seen again about 150 meters SW of the boat ramp sitting along the edge of the water.  On June 17, Bill Maynard and John Drummond reported that the POMARINE JAEGER continues at Antero Reservoir by the fishing/camping area.

--A Bell's Vireo was reported by Mlodinow at the Lions Fishing Pond in Holyoke on June 16.

--On June 8, Cowan reported an ACORN WOODPECKER in the big dead tree by the parking area at Pueblo Mountain Park near Beulah.

--On June 9, Lee reported a m Rose-breasted Grosbeak at Last Chance.

--An ad Least Tern was reported by Mlodinow on gravel bars in ponds along the entrance (CR 7) to St. Vrain SP on June 15.
The DFO field trip for Saturday, June 22 will be to Staunton State Park led by Bob Shade (h:303-975-2476, c:720-256-4376).  Meet the leader at Morrison  Park-n-Ride on the NW corner of C470 and Morrison Road (Co 8) at 0630 for carpooling.  The park location is about 40 minutes up US285 near Pine Junction.  Limit 25 people.  Please call Bob Shade at 303-975-2476 to register.  This is a moderately demanding trip with 3-5 miles of walking at 9000 ft altitudes.  No rough trails.  Need lunch and water.  All day trip.

The DFO field trip for Sunday, June 23 will be to Cherry Creek State Park led by Mary Keithler (303-771-1421 mkeithler@yahoo.com).  Meet the leader at 0800 at the marina at Cherry Creek SP (fee area).  Bring water, scopes, snacks, sunscreen.  This is a half day trip.

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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