These issues have come up before on the list, which is likely why people shy away from reposting such information. There is also a great deal of info online dealing with these challenging ID problems, many of which you can find using google (or your favorite internet search engine), on the CFO website (a great article on identifying Canada vs Cackling Goose can be found here or be searching through old posts to the list at!forum/cobirds. David Sibley has a nice website with information about Redpoll ID, and other challenging ID problems.
Lastly, if you're on Facebook, there is a Colorado Field Ornithologists group ( and Birding Colorado group ( you might be interested in joining for such discussions.
Good birding,
Paul Hurtado
Pueblo, CO (& Columbus, OH).
....but it would be nice if several questions I've seen lately.....such as telling a cackling goose from a Canada, or Hoary from common redpolls, etc. answers go out to the entire list. I know so many of you are expert birders, but to be honest, I am getting back into this after a 30 year hiatus.....though I became quite good at the time, with a respectable life list, names and species have changed since then, and I find myself often very confused. I would love to see the answers to many of the posed questions, and am sure others would as well.
Donna Dannen
Jefferson County
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Paul J. Hurtado
Postdoctoral Fellow, The Ohio State University
Mathematical Biosciences Institute,
Aquatic Ecology Laboratory,
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