Sunday 10 April 2022

[cobirds] Red Canon Park, Tuunnel Drive, Fremont

Denver Audubon's Master Birder class, 14 of us explored Red Canyon Park, north of Canon City, and Tunnel Drive, yesterday.
We didn't see many  birds, but did see some quality ones.
In Red Canyon's pinyon/juniper they included:

    * 3-5 Evening Grosbeaks;

    * 2 Golden Eagles, dived at by (probably) a Prairie Falcon;

    * 1 Red-naped Sapsucker;

    * One (1) Juniper Titmouse;

    * 1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet;

    * Lots of Townsend's Solitaires (12 according to the group).

Along Tunnel Drive we didn't find a Rufous-crowned Sparrow, but did study an Eastern Phoebe.

Urling & Hugh Kingery



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