Saturday, 3 April 2021

[cobirds] Re: Article: Mass Bird Die-Off Linked to Wildfires and Toxic Gases

I think there were two phenomena going on. Birds that died BEFORE the summer snowstorm, and those apparently influenced by the drastic cold and snow that seemed to pretty much wipe out San Luis Valley migrant birds. From 80 degrees to 20's overnight and 14 inches of snow in the San Luis Valley. At the height of migration, birds were likel;y weakened from migration or other factors.  The scads of birds dying here were directly from cold wet conditions, and starvation and death.  I am agreeing with SeEtta that at least in our part of Colorado, the storm's impact was direct....heavy snows, wet birds with little to eat, and subsequent mortality. In the San Luis Valley you might surmise that smoke was a contributory indirect effect that resulted in weakened birds. But at least in this region, the abrupt and serious weather conditions were the reason so many bird died. 

wilsons warbler lo.JPG
On Friday, April 2, 2021 at 10:08:59 AM UTC-6 wrote:
Hi all

Just got this from one of our Forest Service scientists.

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