Saturday 10 February 2018

[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert, 10 February 2018

Compiler:   Joyce Takamine
e-mail:      RBA AT  
Date:        February 10, 2018

This is the Rare Bird Alert for Saturday, February 10 sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species)
NOTE:  The RBA is now using the new AOU checklist and the order of families has changed.
Greater White-fronted Goose (Weld)
Trumpeter Swan (Fremont)
Greater Scaup (Weld)
White-winged Scoter (*Arapahoe, *Jefferson, Pueblo)
Barrow's Goldeneye (Adams, El Paso, Garfield, *Montezuma) 
Clark's Grebe (Fremont)
Greater Roadrunner (El Paso)
Virginia Rail (Huerfano)
Least Sandpiper (La Plata)
Long-billed Dowitcher (Adams)
Spotted Sandpiper (Garfield)
Greater Yellowlegs (*Prowers)
Black-legged Kittiwake (Fremont)
California Gulll (Archuleta, Adams, Weld)
Iceland Gull (El Paso, Pueblo, Weld) 
YELLOW-BILLED LOON (*Arapahoe,*Jefferson)
Northern Goshawk (Jefferson)
HARRIS'S HAWK (*Larimer)
Acorn Woodpecker (*La Plata)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (*Prowers)
Black Phoebe (Mesa)
Say's Phoebe (Adams, *Arapahoe)
Chihuahuan Raven (*El Paso, Fremont)
Pygmy Nuthatch (Arapahoe)
Winter Wren (Arapahoe)
Mountain Bluebird (Adams)
Curve-billed Thrasher (El Paso)
Sage Thrasher (Huerfano)
American Pipit (La Plata)
Brown-capped Rosy-Finch (Teller)
Black Rosy-Finch (Teller)
Common Redpoll (Chaffee, *Larimer, Mesa)
Red Crossbill (Arapahoe)
Lapland Longspur (El Paso)
Field Sparrow (Baca)
Fox Sparrow (Larimer, *Prowers)
Golden-crowned Sparrow (Mesa)
Yellow-headed Blackbird (Pueblo)
Brown-headed Cowbird (Mesa, Pueblo)
Great-tailed Grackle (*Prowers)
Pine Warbler (*Larimer)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Arapahoe, *Prowers)
Northern Cardinal (*Prowers)

---On February 3 at Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWR, Camereon Carver reported Mountain Bluebird.  On February 5 at Rocky Mt Arsenal NWR, Eric DeFonso reported California Gull.
---On February 6 at S Platte River and York, Joe Roller reported Long-billed Dowitcher.  On February 7 at S Platte River and 58th Ave, Candice Johnson reported Long-billed Dowitcher.
---On February 6 at E 136th Ave, Tony Leukering reported Say's Phoebe.
---On February 6 at First Creek at Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Lorraine Lanning reported Mountain Bluebird along Buckley at trail entrance.

ARAPAHOE COUNTY:                                                                  
---On February 4 at S Platte Reservoir, Weston Petty reported White-winged Scoter.  On February 6 at South Platte Reservoir, Betty Glass reported White-winged Scoter; Dale Pate reported YELLOW-BILLED LOON; Doug Kibbe reported White-winged Scoter and YELLOW-BILLED LOON in SW Bay (Arapahoe).  On February 7 at South Platte Reservir, Anna Lenshek reported White-winged Scoter and Say's Phoebe; David and Cheryl Hubbark reported White-winged Scoter and YELLOW-BILLED LOON.  On February 9 at South Platte Reservoir, Mark Burns reported White-winged Scoter and YELLOW-BILLED LOON in SW Bay (Jefferson); evin Ash and Jerry DeBoer reported White-winged Scoter and YELLOW-BILLED LOON on the Arapahoe county side.
---On February 5 at Crescent Pkwy, Kathy Mihm Dunning and Tony Leukering reported Yellow-rumped Warbler.
---On February 4 at Ketring Park and Lake, Kay Rasmussen reported Winter Wren.
---On February 6 at E Crescent Parkway in Greenwood Village, Diane Roberts  and Tim Ryan reported Winter Wren.  On February 7 at E Crescent Parkway, Bez Bezuidenhout reported Winter Wren.  
---On February 6 at Robert Tartaglia Pavilion, Eric DeFonso reported Yellow-rumped Warbler.
---On February 7 at Dahlia Hollow Park, Bez Bezuidenhout reported 2 Pygmy Nuthatch.
---On February 7 at South Platte Park Northern Wildlife Area, Brian Johnson reported 3 Yellow-rumped Warblers and Anna Lenshek reported 8 Yellow-rumped Warblers near Carson Nature Center.
---On February 8 at Littleton Cemetery, David Suddjian reported Red Crossbill.
---On February 8 at E Crescent Parkway, Edward Donnan reported f Red Crossbill.
---On February 9 at S Platte River from W Bowles Ave to S Prince, Betty Glass reported Say's Phoebe.

---On February 6 at Navajo SP, Jim Beatty reported 2 California Gulls.

---On December 21 David Tonnessen reported RED-BREASTED SAPSUCKER (ruber) on Miranda Road in Colorado Springs.  On February 1 on Miranda Road, Tony Leukering reported RED-BREASTED SAPSUCKER.
---On February 4 on S Meridian Road and Hanover Road, Chris Brobin reported Greater Roadrunner and Lapland Longspur.
---On February 5 at Sinton Pond Open Space, Jim Merritt reported Greater White-fronted Goose.
---On February 5 at Peyton Rd and Squirrel Creek intersection, Diana Beatty reported 4 Lapland Longspurs.
---On February 5 at Hanover Fire Station, David and Cheryl Hubbard reported Curve-billed Thrasher.
---On February 6 at De Groot and Loop, Rod Schmidt reported Curve-billed Thrasher.
---On February 6 at Monument Wastewater Treatment Plant, Alan Versaw reported f Barrow's Goldeneye.  On February 7 at Monument Wastewater Treatment Plant, Alan Versaw reported a pair of Barrow's Goldeneyes and Gloria Nikolai reported f Barrow's Goldeneye.  On February 8 at Monument Wastewater Treatment Plant, Jacqueline Heyda and Terence Berger reported m Barrow's Goldeneye.
---On February 8 at Hanover Road, Jim Merritt reported Chihuahuan Raven and 6 Lapland Longspurs.
---On February 5 at Brush Hollow Reservoir, Jerry DeBoer reported 2 Trumpeter Swans.  On February 7 at Brush Hollow Reservoir, Alan Ketcham and Jim Merritt reported 2 Trumpeter Swans and Clark's Grebe.
---On February 6 at West Valco Pond in Canon City, Rich Miller reported juv Black-legged Kittiwake which was also seen by Jerry DeBoer and Tony Leukering.  On February 7 at Valco Ponds in Canon City, John Drummond reported that the Black-legged Kittiwake was flying between the two ponds; Alan Ketcham, Jim Merritt and David Chartier also reported Black-legged Kittiwake

---On February 5 at Devereux Rd and Two Rivers Park in Glenwood Springs, Catherine Hagen and JoAnn Riggle reported Barrow's Goldeneye and Spotted Sandpiper.

---On February 4 at Lathrop SP, Tony Leukering reported 4 Virginia Rails from SE corner of Lake Oehm.
---On February 7 at Lake Maria, Tony Leukering reported Sage Thrasher.

---On February 7 at Mount Falcon Park, Myron Gerhard reported Northern Goshawk.
---On February 7 on Conifer mountain road, Ira Sanders and Gwen Moor reported Northern Goshawk.

---On Februrary 4 at Pastorius Reservoir, Jason and Amanda St Pierre reported Least Sandpiper; Martin Cuntz reported 2 Least Sandpiper and 2 American Pipits.  On February 8 at Pastorius Reservoir, Eric Hynes and Ryan Votta reported 2 American Pipits.
---On February 8 at Vallecito Reservor Pura Vida Café, Eric Hynes reported Yellow-rumped Warbler.
---On February 9 at Meadow Rd, Rafter J Subdivision, Ryan Votta reported 4 Acorn Woodpeckers.

---On February 5 along  Frontage Road, Jamie Simo and Earl Johnson reported HARRIS'S HAWK.  On February 6, Gary Lefko reported HARRIS'S HAWK on Frontage Road, N of Prospect; Mark Chavez and Frank Farrell reported the hawk on E Prospect, and Lori Zabel, Burke and Joey Angstman reported HARRIS'S HAWK on Frontage Rd.  On February 7 Robert Beauchamp and Gary Lefko reported HARRIS'S HAWK near Welcome Center and Frontage Road N of Prospect;  the hawk was see by several other birders mostly near the Frontage Road.  On February 8, Bill Fink, Kat Bradley-Bennet, Tina Jones and others reported HARRIS'S HAWK on Frontage Road N of Prospect.
---On February 9 at Livermore Community Church, Sue Riffe reported 3 Common Redpoll.
---On February 4 at Horsetooth Mountain Park, Arvind Panjabi reported 9 Common Redpoll.
---On February 6 at CSU Environmental Learning Center, Joey and Burke Angstman reported Red Fox Sparrow.
---On February 9 at Bobcat Ridge NA, Sue Riffe reported AMERICAN WOODCOCK.
---On February 9 at WIldhorse Birddfeeder in Loveland, John Reichhardt reported Pine Warbler.

---On February 4 at Grand Junction Wildlife Area, David Price reported imm Golden-crowned Sparrow near feeder and 2 Brown-headed Cowbirds.
---On February 4 at Clifton Nature Park, Ryan Claar reported Black Phoebe on N side of pond.  On February 7 at Clifton Nature Park, Mike Henwood reported Black Phoebe.
---On February 8 on Grand Mesa, Denise and Mark Vollmar reported 10 Common Redpoll.

---On February 9 at Hwy 145 in Dolores, Aaron Yappert reported m Barrow's Goldeneye.

---On February 6 at Lamar Community College Woods, Jane Stulp and Janeal Thompson reported Red Fox Sparrow and Northern Cardinal.  On February 7 at Lamar Community College Woods, Dorothy Russell reported Fox Sparrow.
---On February 9 at Willow Creek in Lamar, Ted Floyd reported Hermit Thrush, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Yellow-rumped (Myrtle) Warbler, Yellow-rumped (Audubon's) Warbler, and Northern Cardinal.  On February 9 at Willow Creek Park, Ted Floyd reported Red-bellied Woodpecker, Red Fox Sparrow, Northern Cardinal, and singing m Great-tailed Grackle.
---On February 9 at pond at US 287 and Hwy 50, Chip Clouse reported Greater Yellowlegs.

---On February 4 at Lake Beckwith in Colorado City, Tony Leukering reported White-winged Scoter.  On February 7 at Lake Beckwith, Cameron Carver reported White-winged Scoter.
---On February 4 at 40th Lane, Tony Leukering reported Yellow-headed Blackbird and 130 Brown-headed Cowbirds.

---On February 4 on Pikes Peak, Green Mountain Falls Trail to South Catamount Reservoir, Kevin Ash reported 400 Rosy-Finches at the reservoir; he identified only 2 Brown-capped and Black.

---On February 7 at LUNA Reservoir, Steve Mlodinow reported 13 Greater Scaup and California Gull.

DFO Field Trips:
NOTE:  The Barr Lake Field trip has been moved to Friday, February 9 because of the weather forecast.
The DFO Field Trip for Friday, February 9 will be to Barr Lake SP led by Bob Shade (wrshade3 AT; 303-975-2476)
Directions:  Meet at the Barr Lake SP Visitor Center at 0800.  State Parks pass or day pass required.  From Denver, take east I-76 to Bromley Lane, exit 22.  Go east on Bromley Lane to Piccadilly Rd, then turn south for about 2 miles to park entrance and follow road to Visitor Center.  
       Will look for Winter waterfowl and raptors.  Trail around lake is accessible for a person with a disability.  Lunch optional.  Beginners are welcome.  Register online or contact leader.

The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, February 10 Boulder County:  From the Mountains to the Plains led by Paula Hansley (plhansley AT; 720-890-2628)   This trip has been CANCELLED.  It will be rescheduled.  

The DFO Field trip for Sunday, February 11 will be to Denver City Park led by Patrick O'Driscoll (patodrisk AT; 303-885-6955 (cell)).  Meet at parking strip on north side of Ferril Lake at 0715.  Enter park from Colorado Blvd. Northbound; turn left onto 22nd ave past Museum of Nature and Science; southbound turns right onto 22nd at police station.  Go past museum pakring until road curves toward zoo.  Take immediate left at the "to Pavilion bandstand" sign and go 300 yards down to corner with tall spruce trees, where lake comes into view.  Park Diagonally on left beneath spruce.  Dress for weather bring water and snacks.  Register online or contact leader.

The DFO Field Trip for Sunday, February 11 will be to Cherry Creek SP Wetlands Loop led by Karen von Saltz & Karen Drozda (kvonsaltza AT; 303-941-4881).   Meet at 0900 at Prairie Loop lot in Cherry Creek SP.  From either park entrance,m follow Lake View Rd to Prairie Loop that is located at the south rim of the reservoir.  State Parks Pass or day pass required.  
     This is a half-day of walking that passes through most of the important habitats found in the park over a distance of about 3 miles.  Rails could be slippery or muddy.  Bring water and snacks; lunch is optional.  Beginning birders are welcome.  Register online  or contact leader.

The DFO Field Trip for Monday, Feburary 12 will be Park County Explorations led by David Suddjian (dsuddjian AT; 831-713-8659).  This trip is full.

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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