Saturday 7 February 2015

[cobirds] It was the worst of birds and the best of birders

How about another mangled literary mis-quote?  February is the cruelest birding month!


I led a field trip today for the Boulder Audubon Society to the Peak-to-peak Highway area of Boulder County.  Unfortunately the winds tried to blow us back; at one point a Boulder Open Space Ranger cautioned us about staying in the area.  But we were there while the birds weren’t.  Total haul for a couple of hours in the mountains—2 Mountain Chickadees, 1 Pygmy Nuthatch, 1 Steller’s Jay, a few American Crows and Common Raven and maybe a Pine Siskin and couple of Dark-eyed Juncos.


It only took us a couple of hours to wise up and make the descent back to Lyons where we found a Brown Creeper in the town park, and a decent haul in the town cemetery including 6 Western Scrub Jays and 2 Lesser Goldfinches.  Everyone got on the lessers and we could compare them to an American in the same tree, so it was a nice learning experience.


One stop on the plains at McCaslin Lake turned up a few regular ducks for all to study.


Bill Kaempfer


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