Thursday 5 February 2015

[cobirds] Christmas Bird Count Results so far

Hi all,

If you want to check out the Results for Colorado Christmas Bird Counts (CBC) for this year.  

Go to 
Select Country: United States
Select State: Colorado
Then the 36 CBCs that have been entered into the CBC Website, so far will be there.  Click on any of them, to see the results. 

If you went on a CBC, make sure your name is included on that CBC and it is spelled correctly.

If you see any other errors on any of the Colorado CBCs, please let me know and I will look into it.

Hopefully all the Colorado CBCs data will be on this website by the end of the month.

Colorado is very close or at 200 species for this year's Christmas Bird Counts.  I'm still waiting on some written documentation on some rarer species and/or photos.  

After all the results are in, there will be a Summary on the CBC Website on the Colorado CBCs.

A big thanks to all the compilers of Colorado CBCs, thanks for answering my e-mails, when I have questions.

Thanks to everyone who participated on CBCs.

Thanks to my team of helpers around Colorado and the U.S., who help me with reviewing rare bird reports and photos, from Colorado Christmas Bird Counts.

Brandon Percival 
Colorado CBC Regional Editor
Pueblo West, CO

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