Date: April 29, 2014
This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Tuesday, April 29, 2014, sponsored
by the Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.
If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording by pressing the
star key (*) on your phone at any time. Please leave your name, phone
number, detailed directions including county, and dates for each sighting.
It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.
Highlight species include (* indicates new information on this species in
this report).
Barrow's Goldeneye (Eagle)
Little Blue Heron (El Paso)
GLOSSY IBIS (Adams, Boulder,*Larimer, Weld)
Snowy Plover (*Moffat, Otero, Prowers)
Dunlin (Prowers)
White-winged Dove (Pueblo)
Norther Pygmy-Owl (Park)
Greater Roadrunner (El Paso, Las Animas)
Eastern Phoebe (Boulder,*Douglas/Jefferson, Pueblo)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Baca)
White-eyed Vireo (Pueblo)
Winter Wren (Jefferson)
Golden-winged Warbler (Prowers)
Northern Parula (Baca, El Paso, Pueblo)
Black-throated Gray Warbler (Bent, El Paso,*Larimer, Mesa, Park, Prowers,Pueblo)
Hooded Warbler (El Paso)
Summer Tanager (Boulder)
Fox Sparrow (Gunnison)
Swamp Sparrow (Douglas/Jefferson)
White-throated Sparrow (Logan, Montrose)
Harris's Sparrow (Delta,Garfield, Yuma)
Indigo Bunting (Pueblo)
Rusty Blackbird (Douglas/Jefferson,Teller)
--On April 27, Komar reports seeing 4 adult GLOSSY IBIS on the south side of Bromley Lane, just east of Picadilly Rd. east of Brighton CO. They were with a flock of 120+ White-faced Ibis.
--On April 25, Otis reports seeing 6 GLOSSY IBIS off Gateway Road leading into Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWR, they were at the north side pond.
--On April 25, Duane Nelson reports a HERMIT WARBLER at Melody Tempel Grove in Bent County. It was re-found by Nelson and shown to Leatherman, and others.
--On April 24, Riffe reports the YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER and the Black-throated Gray Warbler, continue at Tempel Grove, that was first seen on April 19 by Duane Nelson.
--On April 19, at Tempel Grove Duane Nelson reported YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER, Black-throated Gray Warbler.
--On April 22, Riffe reports an EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE at Carrizo Picnic/Camping Area.
--On April 24, Komar reports seeing a singing male Northern Parula at Cottonwood Canyon.
On April 24, Severs reports a Great Crested Flycatcher at Burchfield WMA east of Walsh (See county birding website). (A family matter prevented his posting this earlier.)
--On April 26, Pieplow reports an Eastern Phoebe near the St. Vrain crossing (actually a little northeast of there, at the smaller ditch crossing on 63rd at the south end of the farmhouse, about 100 yards north of the east-west portion of the road). This is close to where one was seen repeatedly last summer.
--On April 26, Gent reports a male Summer Tanager along Boulder Creek on the east CU campus, which is between 30th St. and the Foothills Parkway. It was found due north of the scoreboard at the CU soccer pitch, but along the creek. It was seen by others on April 27.
--Blackford reports the GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW continues at Teller Farms North, (west of 95th on Valmont Rd) the Golden-crowned Sparrow was out feeding with the White-crowned Sparrows, on April 24.
--A GLOSSY IBIS was reported by Gent at a pond on the west side of 109th St just N of Jasper Road on April 19. On April 20, Waltman reported GLOSSY IBIS at 109th and Jasper.
--Garrison reports the Harris’s Sparrow continues near his feeder at his office in Paonia, on April 26.
--At Chatfield SP on April 21, Suddjian reported a pair of Rusty Blackbirds and a Swamp Sparrow along Plum Creek near the Picnic Area and an Eastern Phoebe along the S Platte River upstream from Kingfisher Bridge.
--On April 28,Suddjian reports the Eastern Phoebe continues immediately east of Kingfisher Bridge, and a second Eastern Phoebe at the Plum Creek Picnic Area at Chatfield SP.
--Percival reports a m Black-throated Gray Warbler in the wet area, between the banding station and the Bell Grove, at Chico Basin Ranch (Fee).
--A Little Blue Heron was found by Joy Lake at the county’s Drake Pond (aka Mallard Pond) in Falcon off HWY 24, take Blue Gill Road to Mallard Road to the two pull offs with short trails. The bird was seen yesterday under the willow near the end of the newly built trail that ends at the willow and a bench. The heron also visits a pond upstream on private property that is not visible from public property, the landowner not wanting trespassers there.
--A m Hooded Warbler was reported by Percival at Chico Basin Ranch between the banding station and Bell Grove on April 20.
--A Greater Roadrunner was reported by Percival on Hanover Road on April 20.
--Filby reported on April 27 that his yard Harris's Sparrow in Carbondale is still present. If you would like to try to see the bird email him at dickfilby AT
--On April 25, Beason reports singing Fox Sparrows in the morning at Roaring Judy Fish Hatchery near Almont and Neversink Trail at Curecanti National Recreation Area west of Gunnison.
--McBurney reports banding a Winter Wren, first ever for this station, at the Chatfield Banding Station on April 27.
--On April 28, Lyon reports a flock of GLOSSY IBIS in a slough by a large stack of hay bails, west of CR 9 and CR E in Wellington.
--On April 28, Angel reports 6 WHOOPING CRANES flying north over the intersection of Timberbine and Drake. Described as large white birds with black wingtips.
--Biggerstaff reports a Black-throated Gray Warbler at Dixon Reservoir/Pine Ridge Natural Area in west Fort Collins, on April 28.
--On April 25, Panjabi reports a (second year?) male Black-throated Gray Warbler, 25 m past the wooden bridge in Spring Canyon, about 1/4 mile before the falls.
--A Black-throated Gray Warbler was seen by Toolen on Liberty Cap Trail at Colorado National Monument on April 24.
--On April 24, Wright reports the White-throated Sparrow continues in Nucla, singing away.
--Luke reports a Snowy Plover at the County Maintenance Shop Pond off 1st St. in Craig, on April 26, his first in Moffat, which is special, the Snowy Plover was seen again on April 28 by Luke.
--On April 23, Riffe reports a least two pairs of Snowy Plovers at Cheraw.
--On April 25, Komar reports a possible BENDIRE’S THRASHER, south of Higbee on Hwy 109 in a cholla field. Had the jizz of a Curve-billed Thrasher but smaller and straighter-billed. Will share photos when they become available. Precise location was entered on eBird. Three Greater Roadrunners were seen on the drive between La Junta and Cottonwood Canyon.
--On April 23, Suddjian reported a Black-throated Gray Warbler along Road 104, a short way north of the Fremont County line in some pinyon / oak habitat.
--On April 22, Suddjian reports along County Roads 61 and 98, a Northern Pygmy-Owl.
--A m Golden-winged Warbler was seen by many at the Lamar Community College Woods this afternoon on April 26, by the Lewis party.
--On April 25, Leatherman reports 2 active nests of Red-bellied Woodpeckers, two male Northern Cardinals, at Lamar Community College Woods.
--On April 24, Percival reports an alternate plumaged Dunlin at Thurston Reservoir, north of Lamar.
--On April 24, Percival reports 1 White-winged Dove, Northern Cardinals, and Red-bellied Woodpeckers at Lamar Community College grove.
--On April 22, Riffe reports Snowy Plovers at Thurston SWA, also seen on April 25 by Leatherman, a pair of Snowy Plovers at Thurston SWA.
--On April 24, Komar reports a Broad-winged Hawk, mature, and a Black-throated Gray Warbler in the Lamar Community College grove.
--Percival reports a White-eyed Vireo and a Black-throated Gray Warbler at the extreme east side of Osprey Picnic Area, Rock Canyon, below Pueblo Reservoir dam in Pueblo, CO, on April 28.
--A Northern Parula was seen at Rose Pond, at Chico Basin Ranch by Nikolai on April 26.
--An Eastern Phoebe was reported by Percival in Rock Canyon at Osprey Picnic Area on April 21.
--Percival reports a White-eyed Vireo at Chico Basin Ranch Headquarter willows, on April 26.
--A singing male Indigo Bunting was reported by Percival at the Frisbee Golf Course at Pueblo City Park on April 22.
--On April 26, Mlodinow reports a SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER just on the side of the road by the campground on the Sedgwick side of Jumbo Res. It flew off into the campground proper after allowing for some nice photos.
--A GLOSSY IBIS was reported by Mlodinow at a pond at the intersection of CO 119 and CR 7 on April 21.
--On April 26, Mlodinow reports a Black-throated Gray Warbler in the junipers that make up the "Lens Farm Shelterbelt" just e of US 385 along CR 54. Perhaps Yuma's first.
--A pair of Harris's Sparrow was reported by Matheus at Stalker Pond in Wray on April 21.
DFO meeting Monday April 28, featuring Nathan Pieplow. “Five Audio ID’s every Colorado Birder Should Know”, Nathan will talk about how to separate the sounds of Williamson’s and Red-naped Sapsucker; the drums of Three-toed Woodpecker; the songs of Dusky, Hammond’s, and Gray Flycatchers; the winter calls of Horned Lark, American Pipit, and Sprague’s Pipit; and the calls of Common and Chihuahuan Ravens. A brief quiz at the end of the evening will help cement the skills in our brains. NOTE: The DFO meeting is in the Denver Museum of Nature and Science Planetarium. Enter through the north door by 7:30 p.m. We must lock the door a little after that time.
DFO Field Trips:
Saturday May 3, 2014
South Platte River Trail
Leader: Jackie King, 720-381-3314
Meet leader at the parking area at 88th and South Platte River Trail at 9 a.m. From I-76 take E. 88th Ave. exit, go west on 88th for 1.6 miles then turn south at Colorado Blvd. Turn left again into the parking lot for the South Platte River Greenway Trailhead. This trip will be a half-day trip so bring water and snacks; lunch is optional. We will walk along the trail and see which migrants are there as well as enjoy the many resident birds that should be back. Leader uses a wheelchair for mobility so it will be accessible and easy, level walking. Good trip for new members and novice birders.
Sunday May 4
Brett Gray Ranch, Lincoln County
Coleaders: Mark Amershek and Bruce NeumanTrip will be limited to 10 persons: please RSVP Mark at 303-329-8646 or <> before May 1st. Meet and carpool at 5:45 a.m. at the KingSoopers parking lot on Fountain Parkway (just east of I-25) in Castle Rock, CO. Carpools will leave at 6 a.m. sharp. We need volunteers to drive (high-clearance, 4-wheel-drive vehicles); let Mark know if you can drive.
Brett Gray is a 49,000-acre Nature Conservancy working ranch location in Lincoln County (southeast of Colorado Springs). The driving distance from Castle Rock will be approximately 100 miles (a little over two hours).
The ranch will be birded by following the ranch roads in cars with stops to bird on level open areas (ponds, wetlands, grassland, and small creeks). This ranch is similar in habitat to the Chico Basin Ranch with two dam ponds and wooded areas. There are no restroom facilities at the ranch or nearby, so we will stop in East Colorado Springs on our drive down and again on our way back, plan accordingly. This will be an all-day trip so bring water and lunch. Scopes would be handy but not necessary. Two-way radios per car would be helpful. We will bird until 4 p.m. and should be back at Castle Rock about 6 p.m.
Good Birding,
Mary Driscoll
Unincorporated Arapahoe County
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