Sunday, 27 September 2020

[cobirds] The Prophesy of Guarente, or, Migrants Galore Today in e. Boulder County

Hey, all.

Well, Bryan's prediction was spot-on for the Greenlee/Waneka/Hecla complex of eastern Boulder County. It was cool and cloudy this Sunday afternoon, Sept. 27, with new arrivals galore. Here's a summary:

* 2 ring-necked ducks and another Aythya, the first diving ducks there this season for me
* 2 gorgeous juvenile red-necked phalaropes
* 1 adult sharp-shinned hawk, first-of-season for me for the site
* 1 mountain chickadee
* 7 ruby-crowned kinglets, a high count
5 red-breasted nuthatches, also a high count
1 Townsend solitaire, first of season
1 hermit thrush, first of season
10 lesser goldfinches, some of which were probably arrivals overnight
10 chipping sparrows and a couple of Spizella spuhs
1 Oregon junco (with a tinge of pink-sided, it seemed)
12 white-crowned sparrows, all of them apparently gambelii
1 Lincoln sparrow
7 orange-crowned warblers
100+ Audubon warblers (didn't see any myrtles in the mix)
15+ Wilson warblers
2 Townsend warblers
1 candidate black-throated green x Townsend warbler

Thanks, Bryan, for the exhortation to get out and find stuff!

Ted Floyd
Lafayette, Boulder County

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