Saturday 3 May 2014

[cobirds] PARKed by the shore...

I spent yesterday (May 2) in Park County again. I have limited time right now, so I'll just report some of the interesting waterbirds seen from the Park County shore lines, and hope to fill out the report later with notes on some other species in another post. 

All the big Park reservoirs are now ice free, and Spinney Mountain SP is now open (and was loaded with fisherman).

Antero Reservoir had the most shorebirds. Nearly all of them were along the shoreline southwest of the South Boat Launch, requiring walking for about 0.75 mile or farther along the shore to see the best areas. Shorebirds there included 1 BLACK-NECKED STILT, 1 WHIMBREL, 1 DUNLIN, 2 LESSER YELLOWLEGS, 1 WESTERN SANDPIPER, 4 LEAST SANDPIPERS, 3 SPOTTED SANDPIPERS, 11 MARBLED GODWITS, 36 LONG-BILLED DOWITCHERS, 86 AM. AVOCETS, 6 RED-NECKED PHALAROPES, and 12 WILSON'S PHALAROPES. Three BONAPRTE'S GULLS were with Franklin's at the North Boat Launch. One basic COMMON LOON was on the lake.

Spinney Mountain Reservoir had some good birding along the first part of the shoreline past the entrance kiosk, and along the shoreline at the very last access along the main road, but most of the ducks and such were out far from shore. Among these were an adult male SURF SCOTER and a female RED-BREASTED MERGANSER. Spinney shorebirds included 3 LONG-BILLED CURLEWS, 33 LONG-BILLED DOWITCHERS, 1 WESTERN SANDPIPER, 6 LEAST SANDPIPERS, 7 MARBLED GODWITS, 29 WILLETS, 6 RED-NECKED PHALAROPES, 3 WILSON'S PHALAROPES, and 22 AM. AVOCETS.

At Eleven Mile Reservoir I only viewed the northwest part of the lake, scanning from Sucker Cove and the Cross Creek access areas. Lots of ducks, still, but none unusual. There was a BAIRD'S SANDPIPER, 6 AM. AVOCETS, 8 WILLETS, 1 COMMON LOON and one fly over GREAT EGRET (heading toward Spinney). The Baird's was only visible by walking along the shoreline to the area where the South Platte flows into the lake.


David Suddjian

Littleton, CO

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