Tuesday 7 January 2020

[cobirds] Fwd: Rawhide Viewing Area Access

FYI, here is the response I got from the environmental guy at Rawhide Power Plant/Hamilton Reservoir north of Fort Collins.

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "O'Brien, Mike" <OBrienM@prpa.org>
Date: January 7, 2020 at 8:12:51 AM MST
Subject: Rawhide Viewing Area Access

Good Morning,

Concerning your questions regarding access to the viewer overlook at Rawhide. When the gate is closed there is no access allowed to the overlook area. It is usually closed due to weather related issues for public safety and its monitored by camera so if security sees anyone out there they will come and chase you off.   Lately it has been closed due to snow drifts. If you want to check if the overlook is closed before coming out here contact Rawhide Security at 229-1776.

Happy Birding.   



Mike O'Brien
Environmental Specialist
Rawhide Energy Station

Office: (970) 229-5648
Cell: (970) 222-2325




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