Tuesday, 15 October 2019

[cobirds] Results of The Big Sit! at Chatfield

Thank you to all that came out and participated on Sunday.  Over 55 people attended!  Some were experienced birders, some just starting their birding “careers” and some that just stopped by to see what it was all about.  Everyone saw a number of bird species and helped contribute to the tallies performed EVERY hour. 


The weather was perfect (sunny, calm and warm).  The birds were many (likely thanks to the recent cold front that came through last Thursday).


Our species total was 75!  This ties for the highest Big Sit! at Chatfield total.  The last time we had 75 species was last year when the HIGH for the day was 19F!!!


This year we added a new species for the Sit, Common Nighthawk seen late in the day!  This brings the cumulative 16 year total species count to 133!!  Wow!  ALL from a single location…in October!


The most “exciting” event was watching a Prairie Falcon, after it hit an American Coot, drag the coot out of the water onto a sandbar and eat it!  WOW!


For a full list of species seen please see the eBird checklist located at: https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S60601667


Again, thanks to everyone that attended (some for an hour, some almost ALL day)!  A special “thank you” to Colorado Parks and Wildlife for helping advertise, create posters and provide the canopy that sheltered us this year from the mid-day sun.  CP&W has been supportive since The Big Sit! at Chatfield started over 16 years ago.  Thank you!




Joey Kellner

The Big Sit! at Chatfield Captain – DFO Insaniacs

Littleton, Colorado


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