Sunday, 15 December 2024

[cobirds] Initial results of the 2024 Denver CBC

The Denver CBC was held yesterday, Saturday, December 14.
100 species were tallied at the compilation and an additional 2 Count Week birds were noted (Tundra Swan and Eared Grebe)

Everyone felt the birding was "slow" with low numbers of individuals for many species.  However we did note (at the compilation):

Five species of Goose
Long-tailed Duck in two locations (Marston Reservoir and South Platte Park Reservoir)
White-winged Scoter
Two American Goshawk
Three loon species (Common, Pacific & Yellow-billed)
FOUR owl species (Eastern Screech, Great Horned, Pygmy and Saw-Whet)
Five Ruby-crowned Kinglets
a singleton Golden-crowned Kinglet
Winter Wren (complete with photos and recordings, so not a Pacific)

Big misses (not all areas have reported, yet)
Wood Duck
Northern Pintail
Northern Harrier
Rough-legged Hawk
American Pipit
No Harris's, White-throated or Swamp Sparrows

Final notes:
Very few ducks
Very few White-crowned and American Tree Sparrows
Very few Townsend's Solitaires and American Robins
Are they all still north of us and still to come?

Thanks to all the participants this year!  And special thank you's to Laura Steadman for whipping up a great potluck on short notice, all my AMAZING Area Leaders without which the CBC could not happen.  And a thank you to State Parks for use of the Chatfield State Park multipurpose room for our compilation and potluck.

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado
Compiler - Denver CBC

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