Tuesday, 16 March 2021

[cobirds] Aiken Audubon program tomorrow - Dr Kyle Horton on Bird Migration


You're invited to join Aiken Audubon's virtual program:

Bird migration in the 21st century: Tools for monitoring and conservation strategies
featuring Dr Kyle Horton, Principal Investigator of CSU's Aeroecology Lab in the Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology. Dr Horton also leads NASA's study on the impact of artificial light on migratory birds.

When: 7:00 P.M. Wednesday, March 17th 

Spring bird migration is officially underway! The notion of hundreds of millions, if not billions, of migratory birds passing in and out of broad geographic areas is of considerable public and ecological interest – and of conservation concern. Capturing and quantifying these large-scale movements has remained a principle challenge. Kyle Horton, Colorado State University assistant professor, will discuss how he uses weather surveillance radar to forecast migratory movements across the United States, and how we can use that information to inform bird conservation.

Use this link to join the meeting from a computer or the Zoom app: https://zoom.us/j/97017360441?pwd=bkhHSkt5eFFzdTFJR3gvbEhVeTc1Zz09

If you have trouble with the link, you can also select the "Join Meeting" option from within the program or app and use the following information:
Meeting ID: 970 1736 0441
Passcode: 32979

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