Monday 14 October 2024

[cobirds] Mount Zion Hawk Watch at Windy Saddle Park (14 Oct 2024) 3 Raptors

Mount Zion Hawk Watch at Windy Saddle Park
Golden, Greater Denver, Colorado, USA

This is a new raptor migration site identified and designated so only in mid-September 2024. This is Colorado's 1st fall hawk watch. To get to the site which is along Lookout Mountain Rd. in Golden, enter either Windy Saddle Park or Mount Zion into Google Maps on your favorite navigation app, or enter the coordinates 39.7368,-105.2454. From the parking lot ascend the stone steps to the watch site.

Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 14, 2024
SpeciesDay's CountMonth TotalSeason Total
Black Vulture000
Turkey Vulture0526
Bald Eagle077
Northern Harrier0510
Sharp-shinned Hawk11640
Cooper's Hawk03179
American Goshawk011
Broad-winged Hawk0115
Red-tailed Hawk152123
Rough-legged Hawk000
Swainson's Hawk0236
Ferruginous Hawk003
Golden Eagle035
American Kestrel126137
Peregrine Falcon002
Prairie Falcon002
Mississippi Kite000
Unknown Accipiter000
Unknown Buteo014
Unknown Falcon000
Unknown Eagle000
Unknown Raptor009

Observation start time: 12:00:00
Observation end time: 14:30:00
Total observation time: 3 hours
Official CounterAjit Antony
Observers: Liza Antony

Tom Barron who had given me information about the Soaring Forecast etc. a few weeks ago. A woman from Denver with two adult children asked me whether I was getting good pictures, meaning my spotting scope. I explained what I was doing. She thought hawks roosted during the day. But not during migration, I told her. She then came up with the urban myth of Red-tails taking away little dogs, and I explained that their food is of the size of voles. Three young men, one of whom asked whether we had seen any animals. I explained that we were looking for migrating raptors. He wanted to know why they would migrate. I asked him that if where he lived was covered with 3-5 ft of snow would he stay there, and he understood that the birds have evolved to migrate south for the winter. On a side note I also explained to them that South Table Mountain was the first place in the world where the K-T boundary,now called the K-Pg boundary was initially identified in 1943, but it took Walter and Luis Alvarez until 1981 to prove that an asteroid hit the Earth ending the reign of the dinosaurs, using evidence like an iridium spike - an element not seen in large amounts on earth, as well as the presence of shocked quartz indicative of high pressures, and that the Chixulub Crater was found north of the Yucatan Peninsula. Sounds like they had never heard of this, and seemed fascinated.

The local forecast was for NNW (west winds unfavorable at this site) until 1:00 p.m. MDT when it it would change to NNE. At the watch the winds were light from the ENE, some haze from wildfires, to reduce clear visibility to 19 km, humidity low at 17%. The Soaring Forecast predicted that the trigger Temperature would be achieved at 12:45 PM MDT, and when we got there, there were puffy cumulus clouds which usually top thermals, to the east, developing and disappearing.

Raptor Observations:
I found it interesting that both yesterday and today in the afternoon we had similar winds and cliffs cover, and yesterday we had quite a good migration and today was almost non-existent . I wondered whether the initial winds in the morning made a difference, in that yesterday had winds from the NNE which is usually favorable for flight at this site, while today the winds started with NNW which is potentially unfavorable. This is going to be my working hypothesis for this site and will require more data to confirm or refute it . Non-migrant Raptors: adult GE flying West, RT 3.

Non-raptor Observations:
Mountain Chickadee 2, Common Raven 3.

Similar winds to today, with a change from NNW to N>NE>E, so we will be there by 9:30 a.m. testing my hypothesis.

Report submitted by Ajit Antony (
More information at [Site Profile] [Day Summary] [Month Summary]

Directions to site:
From I-70 from Northeast Denver, take Route 58, then a left turn going south on
Route 6, the 1st exit is for Lookout Mountain Road, turn right and follow the
clothes to find Windy Saddle Park parking lot on the right.
From I-70 from points west of Denver, take the Lookout Mountain Road and follow
it to the Windy Saddle Park parking lot, a longer route.

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[cobirds] Re: Oct 13/2024, Yellow-billed Loon,Park county

I forgot to mention that I presume this is the same Loon which was seen about a week ago since it was very close to the original location.

Tina Jones,
Littleton,Jefferson county
Tina Jones, Littleton, Jefferson county, Colorado Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 13, 2024, at 8:59 PM, Tina Jones <> wrote:

Sarah Leavsley and I saw the Yellow-billed Loon, from Rodgers Mtn rd at Lazy Boy CG,on 10/13/2024, in Park County. Obviously the bird moves around. Bird was seen around noon. In almost totally alternate plumage. Beautiful.


Happy Birding,

Tina Jones


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[cobirds] Bird Conservancy of the Rockies - Barr Banding Report, 10/13/24

We are basically doing a sparrow seminar, with an occasional Ruby-crowned Kinglet thrown in, each morning for our visitors!  Today we captured 28 new birds (listed below) and another 12 recaptures from earlier in the season:

Ruby-crowned Kinglet 5
Hermit Thrush 4
Orange-crowned Warbler 1
Spotted Towhee 2
Chipping Sparrow 1
Song Sparrow 1
White-crowned Sparrow, Gambel's 5
Dark-eyed Junco, Oregon 6
Dark-eyed Junco, Slate-colored 2
Dark-eyed Junco, unidentified 1

Weather permitting, we are banding Tuesday through Sunday mornings (closed Mondays).  There is a public session most weekday mornings from 7:30-8:30, and three time slots on weekends, at 8, 9, and 10 a.m.  There is a $7 fee and registration is required – click here to register!

Let me know if you have any questions,

Meredith McBurney
Bander - Barr Lake Banding Station
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies 

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Re: [cobirds] Boulder cranes

I must have seen part of that same group.  I spotted a line of Sandhill Cranes flying south over Chautauqua while I was on the Mesa Trail yesterday between 5pm and 6pm.  I heard them first, then found them in the sky, flying and calling to each other.

On Sun, Oct 13, 2024 at 4:50 PM 'DAVID J WALTMAN' via Colorado Birds <> wrote:
Just had about 100 cranes fly south over my house in Boulder foothills 1/2 way between Boulder and Lyons.
David Waltman

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Julie Thompson
Science Teacher - Boulder High School

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Sunday 13 October 2024

[cobirds] Oct 13/2024, Yellow-billed Loon,Park county

Sarah Leavsley and I saw the Yellow-billed Loon, from Rodgers Mtn rd at Lazy Boy CG,on 10/13/2024, in Park County. Obviously the bird moves around. Bird was seen around noon. In almost totally alternate plumage. Beautiful.


Happy Birding,

Tina Jones


[cobirds] Mount Zion Hawk Watch at Windy Saddle Park (13 Oct 2024) 26 Raptors

Mount Zion Hawk Watch at Windy Saddle Park
Golden, Greater Denver, Colorado, USA

This is a new raptor migration site identified and designated so only in mid-September 2024. This is Colorado's 1st fall hawk watch. To get to the site which is along Lookout Mountain Rd. in Golden, enter either Windy Saddle Park or Mount Zion into Google Maps on your favorite navigation app, or enter the coordinates 39.7368,-105.2454. From the parking lot ascend the stone steps to the watch site.

Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 13, 2024
SpeciesDay's CountMonth TotalSeason Total
Black Vulture000
Turkey Vulture0526
Bald Eagle177
Northern Harrier1510
Sharp-shinned Hawk11539
Cooper's Hawk13179
American Goshawk011
Broad-winged Hawk0115
Red-tailed Hawk2051122
Rough-legged Hawk000
Swainson's Hawk0236
Ferruginous Hawk003
Golden Eagle035
American Kestrel225136
Peregrine Falcon002
Prairie Falcon002
Mississippi Kite000
Unknown Accipiter000
Unknown Buteo014
Unknown Falcon000
Unknown Eagle000
Unknown Raptor009

Observation start time: 08:45:00
Observation end time: 13:30:00
Total observation time: 4.75 hours
Official CounterAjit Antony
Observers: Amy Manning, Liza Antony

Amy Manning who helped us a week ago came back today and found us 25% of the birds we saw â€" she has the makings of a good hawk watcher. 1 couple was interested in what we were doing, and we were able to show them a pair of moderately low migrating RT. Another couple was interested and our spotting scope, so we let them look through it, and were they impressed!

The prediction was for 61-65% cloud cover but when we got to the watch it was heavily overcast, which boded ill for a reasonable flight unless it lifted, which it did in the 11 to 12 MDT hour. Light winds were predicted from the NE, but at the watch it was from the East, temperature 16°C, humidity 21-26%, steady barometric pressure, cloud cover 90>45%.

Raptor Observations:
RTs over Lookout Mountain consistently escorted migrants out of their area. Non-migrant raptors: Subadult I GE flew NW over us and which was the Bird of the Day for us â€" it had tan carpal bars dorsally, extensive but dull white underwing patches, no molt of the secondaries, but no white at the base of the tail; RT 3.

Non-raptor Observations:
A paraglider when the overcast clouds were breaking up, could not get any lift and flew North where he had some. 7 other paragliders, after 10 AM MST when the clouds had broken up completely and the sun was shining brightly, still had not much lift until much later (the Soaring Forecast from the NWS predicted only fair soaring, and achieving the trigger temperature of 73°F only by 2:30 PM MDT, but there was some lift earlier than that, but only up to 8750 feet). Gray-headed Junco 2, Mountain Chickadee 1, Steller's Jay 1, Black-billed Magpie 1, Common Raven 3, American Crow 1, Canada Goose 38.

Similar to today and yesterday, starting with light NW winds changing to NE, so will be there by 10:30 AM

Report submitted by Ajit Antony (
More information at [Site Profile] [Day Summary] [Month Summary]

Directions to site:
From I-70 from Northeast Denver, take Route 58, then a left turn going south on
Route 6, the 1st exit is for Lookout Mountain Road, turn right and follow the
clothes to find Windy Saddle Park parking lot on the right.
From I-70 from points west of Denver, take the Lookout Mountain Road and follow
it to the Windy Saddle Park parking lot, a longer route.

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[cobirds] Boulder cranes

Just had about 100 cranes fly south over my house in Boulder foothills 1/2 way between Boulder and Lyons.
David Waltman